It is nearing the end of the month, and it has certainly held some great celebrations with friends. But this is about the everyday, and there really wasn't anything glamorous in February's days. I really felt I had nothing interesting but I started writing anyways. Things that happened in February.
Rich got sick. I am one of those people that always seems to catch the cold that is going around, but Rich is not. So when he experienced the flu early this month he was pretty certain it meant he was dying, or according to the internet had some sort of crazy disease. (I also got it a few days later as well as my sister, who unfortunately picked a bad time to visit) Not the best start to the month.
Surprise, my car is totaled. What I thought was a little parking lot fender bender last month, turned into quite the unfortunate adventure. Turns out if you ever want to get real bummed out about the world and how it functions, try being forced into car shopping. Start by evaluating your entire life, and how you can try your best to live simply, and then realize you completely depend on having a vehicle, and you're killing the planet. Fun day.
Our Christmas wreath is still up and it is my favorite. Yup. Makes me smile daily.
I remembered winter is pretty! Snow came! And I fell back in love with this season. Those big fat snowflakes and the winter light, amazing!
Maybe this all is ordinary. But these are the little pieces of our everyday and here is where I choose to gather them up. It's funny how the act of just writing these down revealed something. Maybe it's not all grand and extraordinary, but lets be honest, we share enough of the glamorous on social media. So instead, maybe there is something inspiring in coming to the conclusion of taking down the mask and deciding I think I'll just tell the truth.
Slow snow days. Kind of loving this curling up business.
I wish I could say this was me grieving my car because I feel the expression is right on! But actually this was my monthly reminder to get in front of my own camera thanks to The Story of Me Project. Even if I am stressed, and my hair is a greasy mess, and there is hardly any light left, this project is about being seen, and this month it was about SHOWING UP, regardless.
Because I never want to forget this.
Nothing like a new season, to see something in a different way! Hey lovely snow covered city, I kind of like you.