I have spent a lot of this month trying very hard to embrace rain. It has shown up in the wedding I was photographing, an engagement the next week, and again it made an appearance at my bridal shower this weekend in Duluth. But as me and my girlfriends stood watching this storm come in from the shoreline there was nothing we could do but just full belly laugh!
“We lit a fire under ourselves when we got to talking…and if it weren’t for that, we’d still be sitting at home; floating, and not swimming.” – Our Wild Abandon
Just stumbled across this quote today and it hit the mark. This weekend reminded me that there is something so sacred about gathering with all the wonderful woman in my life, and this quote spoke a truth. When we are together a spark is lit, and we all remind each other that life is meant to be fully lived. Even if that means dancing in a thunderstorm!
Weekly image 26:52. See all the weeks so far of this project: The 52 Project