my oh-so-pretty new portfolio

It has been a crazy fun journey, taking 2 photography courses and squeezing in couples shoots almost every weekend, and all to finally get to this point.  Today I am SHARING MY WEBSITE!! My focus will be specifically on Wedding and Family photography.  I am drawn towards weddings because I simply adore love stories.  Families, because I thought nothing could be more precious then young love, until I saw my friend as a mother, holding her newborn baby.

One of the greatest things about photography, for me, is that it allows me to connect with people in moments filled with joy, laughs, chaos, and love. Whether it is your wedding day or just everyday life, there is always a unique and incredible story to capture.

So far I have booked 5 weddings for 2015.  I look forward to a website as a tool to attract even more great couples!  I can't wait to continue to be inspired by each love story I get to encounter.  That connection is just so important to me.  Because of this, I am seeking clients who;

Are Drawn to Honest & Authentic Storytelling  You don’t mind letting me into your home, even though it’s a complete mess since the baby arrived!  There are diapers and dishes everywhere, but you know these moments of your tired eyes, yet full smile are precious.

Photography Matters to You You understand that everything may not go perfectly as planned on your wedding day, but that is not what it is about.  You can’t wait to celebrate the love you found with the community of people you love the most surrounding you.  You dream of a photographer who captures the little moments between you and your new partner; the way he makes you laugh, squeezes you’re hand, or kisses your forehead.

You Can’t Wait to Share Your Story!  You are just bursting to the seam because life is just SO FULL!   It is crazy, and imperfect, and sometimes leaves you spinning, but you wouldn't have it any other way!  It is your perfectly imperfect life, and you cannot wait to share it!



Katie, Mike & Rosslyn

Meet Rosslyn everyone!  And fall in love with her and her parents just as I have! Katie had the perfect vision for the pictures.  No bows or costumes or props, just baby being baby!   And Roz in her onesie was just a little model!

Usually I am slightly adverse to family photography.  Mainly because the "lets all wear matching shirts and pose in the park" images seem to lack what I am drawn to, and that is the authentic connections that happen in the moments when your not posing for a camera.  But to get a chance to capture some intimate moments between momma and baby as well as pull in dad for a few family portraits simply around their home was amazing!  It was a dream!  So anyone looking for more of this storytelling approach to family photography let me know!

Otherwise, just stick around and love on baby Rosslyn for a little bit!