Mothers & Makers

As a creative, my way of processing my own world, often involves asking questions and then bringing that into my work.  Being in the Midwest and married for a couple years now, the "when are you having children?" question comes up constantly.

Motherhood.  For me, simply when, is not the question.  My questions have way more to do with balance and sacrifice, environmental responsibility, the call to motherhood, the societal frameworks and barriers parenthood brings.  Even just beginning to ask these questions, lead to the realization that for women, being an artist is often considered selfish.  Choosing the selfless act of raising a child,  also feels like a call to trade in the selfish parts of myself.  

I know that my creativity isn't selfish.  It is an extension of who I am, it is what I NEED to do.  It is my living, breathing being at work.  But the truth is, when asking around my creative circles very few of my friends could name examples of mothers they knew working in their creative fields, or even list artists they admired who were also mothers.  

So this project was born. 

I want to fill a space (online or physical) with images of women navigating both these spheres.  

Mothers & Makers. 


"Make a list of all the things that are pleasurable in your life and make an art form out of it.  Then, if you're courageous, make a list of all the things that are difficult in your life and make an art form out of it." - Paulus Berensohn

It's like a handwritten letter, or a box of old faded photographs,  All the romance, the sadness of nostalgia, the beauty of ritual, of a craft passed down through time.  Placing my hands into the clay of the earth reminds me to stay awake, even when the world feels dark.  

To always be thoughtful as a maker, of what I bring into the world.  

Christine & Harrison | Film Black & White

For me there is a rhythm to creativity, a natural up and down.  When I am in a down swing my response is always to quit focusing on the end product and really dive into the process.  Lately film has been a great way to explore a slower, more intentional process of image making, and has provided an incredible spark to the usual post wedding season lull.  

I am so thankful that Christine and Harrison continue to let me use them as subjects when I need a creative push.  (You may recognize them from the y in-home morning session I did previously).  So while I awkwardly re-loaded film and fussed around with a much bulkier/heavier camera than I was used to, they patiently gave me space, and fell into the most lovely, sincere embraces.  

For someone who is always drawn to the slow and intentional work when creating, I don't know how it took me so long to find this process.  And as for the results, the timelessness of black and white and the beauty of film grain  has me falling in love.  
